1 # Example program showing that a function call can be 'paused' multiple times,
 2 # creating different continuation values.
 3 #
 4 # To run:
 5 #   $ git clone https://github.com/akkartik/mu1
 6 #   $ cd mu1
 7 #   $ git checkout 4a48bedcd1  # state as of this writing; later versions may be incompatible
 8 #   $ ./mu continuation3.mu
 9 #
10 # Expected output:
11 #   caller 0
12 #   callee 0
13 #   caller 1
14 #   callee 1
15 #   caller 2
16 #   callee 2
18 def main [
19   local-scope
20   $print [caller 0] 10/newline
21   k:continuation <- call-with-continuation-mark f
22   $print [caller 1] 10/newline
23   k <- call k
24   $print [caller 2] 10/newline
25   call k
26 ]
28 def f [
29   local-scope
30   $print [callee 0] 10/newline
31   return-continuation-until-mark
32   $print [callee 1] 10/newline
33   return-continuation-until-mark
34   $print [callee 2] 10/newline
35 ]