Jul 11, 2024
Quick and dirty prototype of the previous algo/shape/code using Vim syntax highlighting.

The code in the screenshot is a function to convert a mouse click (mx, my) into the location (line_index, pos) of the character at that point on the screen.

The problem is much of this function is boilerplate shared with several other places, such as the code to draw text on screen, compute the height of a wrapped line, etc. The boilerplate makes it difficult to see the business logic unique to this particular function, and so creates pressure to prematurely create an abstraction to "DRY things out". Highlighting the shape of the boilerplate in pink helps the eye to focus on the unique business logic in the protrusions, and so counters the pressure to hide the boilerplate before I've figured out the best way to do so.

┌ local y = State.top
  for line_index,line in array.each(State.lines, State.screen_top.line) do
    if line.mode == 'text' then
      local x = State.left
      local initpos = 1
      if line_index == State.screen_top.line then
        initpos = State.screen_top.pos
      for pos, char in utf8chars(line.data, initpos) do
        local w = State.font:getWidth(char)  -- width of char
        if char:match('%s') then
          if line_wrap_at_word_boundary(State, x, line.data, pos) then ┘
            if my < y+State.line_height then return line_index, pos end
         └  x = State.left
            y = y + State.line_height
          else ┘
            if my < y+State.line_height and mx < x+w then return line_index, pos end
          └ x = x + w
          if x+w > State.right then
            x = State.left
            y = y + State.line_height ┘
            if my < y+State.line_height then return line_index, pos end
        └ else ┘
            if my < y+State.line_height and mx < x+w then return line_index, pos end
        └ end
          x = x+w
      y = y + State.line_height
    elseif line.mode == 'drawing' then ┘
      if my < y+State.drawing_height then return line_index end
    └ y = y + h
  end ┘

(As an aside, this is an example of what I think of as "programmer-configured highlighting". We've gotten used to our editors deciding what to highlight for us, and we just pick the colors. One little tool I use everyday is the ability to highlight specific identifiers which flips this around: I pick a word, and the editor picks a color at random to highlight it with. And the highlight persists across sessions. The color of the State variable in the screenshot was selected in this manner.)

This post is part of my Freewheeling Apps Devlog.

Comments gratefully appreciated. Please send them to me by any method of your choice and I'll include them here.

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