Mar 3, 2009
Yossef Gutfreund, a wrestling referee, saw the door begin to open and masked men with guns on the other side. He shouted a warning to his sleeping roommates and threw his weight against the door. Gutfreund's actions gave his roommate, weightlifting coach Tuvia Sokolovsky, enough time to smash a window and escape.

Wrestling coach Moshe Weinberg fought back against the intruders, who shot him through his cheek and then forced him to help them find more hostages. Weinberg lied to the kidnappers by telling them that the residents of the neighboring apartment were not Israelis. Wounded, Weinberg later again attacked the kidnappers, allowing one of his wrestlers to escape before himself being shot to death. Weightlifter Yossef Romano also attacked and wounded one of the intruders before being shot and killed.

The Germans offered an unlimited amount of money as well as the substitution of high-ranking Germans. The kidnappers refused both offers."

Wikipedia on the Munich massacre. I'm reading about it in the wake of the attack on cricketers in Pakistan. Things could have been much worse.

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