No overlapping, no tiling, just an infinite 2D surface of columns. Commands open new columns.
Wordstar-style menu up top of important commands in current context, and their shortcuts.
Command palette at top left that filters commands available in current context.
Files/nodes can have links. Links can form graphs, as the picture shows (original:
Links have labels (next/previous by default).
Graph-traversal commands can take an argument (next/previous by default) of the edge label you want to follow.
'add' adds an edge immediately to the current node, 'append' traverses the edge repeatedly to the end, then adds.
'step' navigates along an edge from the current node and opens it in a new column, 'unroll' traverses the edge repeatedly to the end and collects all nodes into a single column.
I'm doing a major migration of my notes schema to make it work better with my note-taking app. In the process I've been reading a random (mostly embarrassing) sampling of 10+ years of notes. But here's a non-embarrassing one:
Jun 2012: I need fuck you software.
That pretty much explains why I started Mu 2 years later :D
To be precise, I've been migrating my existing 10+ year old note-taking workflows out of terminal and unix tools into a more integrated and hopefully more accessible environment.
Call me Kartik. I have a way of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I become intolerable to my family--then, I account it high time to write some more tests as soon as I can.
20 new tests, 700 LoC, 33% LoC now devoted to tests.
Feeling much better 🙏 Now bracing to find out what I broke today.
Experiment: two ways of drawing polygons.
In the first, I have more control over the vertices and can make irregular polygons. The second is more expressive for making regular polygons, and just looks cooler.