Jun 2012: I need fuck you software.
That pretty much explains why I started Mu 2 years later :D
Jun 2012: I need fuck you software.
That pretty much explains why I started Mu 2 years later :D
To be precise, I've been migrating my existing 10+ year old note-taking workflows out of terminal and unix tools into a more integrated and hopefully more accessible environment.
Not released yet, but here's a demo. (5 minutes; mirror)
This is a feature that doesn't have to be bundled with the main app.
Extremely jank, but still oh so much better than not having pictures at all.
(List based on these notes by Yoshiki Schmitz)
20 new tests, 700 LoC, 33% LoC now devoted to tests.
Feeling much better 🙏 Now bracing to find out what I broke today.
In the first, I have more control over the vertices and can make irregular polygons. The second is more expressive for making regular polygons, and just looks cooler.
Turns out it was disabling LuaJIT. So I've now (temporarily? permanently?) disabled LuaJIT in lines.love
Maybe this kind of text processing isn't CPU intensive enough that a JIT can help? I have no idea which way is up anymore.
And no, it's not random or trolling.
"Follow for surreal gamedev. I'm making a Lovecraftian text editor called Tentacle Typer."